About Mark

Hailing from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Mark is an expert in human performance, and has studied the science of sport and exercise since the age of 15. As a former professional rugby player with national honors and an Irish youth triathlete, he has been exposed to the highest level of training from an early age, the catalyst into his journey of human performance. Mark has been coaching for 15 years with the last 6 years as a performance specialist at XPT Life in Malibu, California alongside Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece. Mark holds accreditation's through EXOS as a performance specialist, as a CFSC LvL 2 coach and through XPT.

Mark is also a Master Coach and the Director of Programming for Gabby Reece's HIGHX - High Intensity Explosive Circuit Training. Believing that self study and mastering anything you do, Mark creates a training environment that is full of self exploration, structured programming and performance breathing. Mark now resides in Southern California with his family were he has perfected his training lifestyle.